4 Tips for Hiding your Engagement Ring Box

4 Tips for Hiding your Engagement Ring Box

Most revel in their smugness while putting it in its velvet-lined box, after which full realization hits: they still need to pull off that dream proposal!



A diamond ring in a box is much harder to hide until the time is right. Luckily, there are a few smart options for hiding it up to that point.

  • Wear loose clothing: You do not want your girlfriend spotting a bulge in your pocket and asking about it, not on this day of all days. The perfect outfit lets you prevent that kind of problem.
  • Hold the ring box in a prop: An opaque water bottle, a granola bar box, etc., can be used to hold the ring box in secrecy.
  • Hide the ring box where you plan to propose: Make sure that no one else will stumble on the thing first, and then pick a spot from where you can grab it quickly.
  • Have someone bring it there: Enlist reliable help, and tell them to bring the ring box there at a pre-decided time.
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