5 Fun Facts about Antwerp Diamonds

5 Fun Facts about Antwerp Diamonds

Antwerp is a city in Belgium and is a globally well-known source of some of the most amazing diamond you will ever see. If you are checking out Antwerp diamond rings and considering buying one, then below are some interesting facts you should know for the times when you decide to show it off.

  • Antwerp is considered by many to be the global diamond capital. As much as three quarters of all the stones on the map get cut and traded here.
  • Antwerp has had a Diamond District for over half a century. In all that time, they sure have perfected the arts of diamond cutting and trading.
  • The New York Times has found that around 8,000 people hailing from 160 countries visit Antwerp each day, and in the 1,800 diamond offices, interact with stones cumulatively worth $95 million.
  • Traders in Antwerp are big on keeping their business ethical as far as diamond sourcing is concerned. Most jewelers who buy from here have the same priorities as well, and comply to the Kimberley Process to ensure conflict diamonds are kept out of the market.
  • Owing to its size, the Diamond District is sometimes called “the square mile”.
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