Picking a Band to Match your Engagement Ring

Picking a Band to Match your Engagement Ring

Picking a band to go with an engagement ring is something many people overlook. A lot of times, this oversight ends up affecting the overall aesthetic of the ring. Following are some things to watch where the wedding band is concerned, and what to remember about wearing a diamond wedding band with solitaire engagement ring.

The Designer’s Options

Most designers serve up several band options for you to pick from and your engagement ring probably has a perfectly matching band somewhere among these. If you cannot find a corresponding band, or if you did and it looks bad, try to find something elegant, that goes well with your engagement ring.


This works best if your engagement ring is non-traditional. Pair it with a traditional, simple ring that complements the statement piece you are already wearing.

Curved Bands

Especially stunning when paired with diamond halo engagement rings, curved wedding bands can deliver a highly appealing vintage look that turns heads. Make sure they match in terms of design, style, and shape.

Bridal Stacks

Brides traditionally get a single wedding band matching the engagement ring, and then start wearing both daily. These days, though, there is something called a bridal stack, which comprises multiple wedding bands stacked beside the engagement ring.

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