A Brief Note on Raw Uncut Diamonds

A Brief Note on Raw Uncut Diamonds

Diamonds are mined from the Earth’s crust, and if they are of good quality, they are sent to jewelry professionals for cutting and polishing. A professional diamond cutter looks through the piece of diamond and plans how to cut it in order to maximize the value of the final stone.

An uncut diamond is basically a stone that has not been shaped or polished. Therefore, these are also known as raw diamonds or rough diamonds. The cutter will keep in mind the factors mentioned below while cutting and polishing so that he can make the stone as flawless as possible.

Clarity: It refers to the number of natural flaws and their visibility. Uncut stones with fewer inclusions are more valuable.

Color: Diamonds usually have a slight yellow tint in them. The value of an uncut stone reduces with more the yellow or brownish tint it has.

Carat: Carat refers to the weight of the diamond. Bigger uncut stones are more valuable due to their rarity.

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