A Comparison between Wedding Rings with Diamonds and Sapphires

A Comparison between Wedding Rings with Diamonds and Sapphires

Evidently, the price tag is the main thing that differentiates a diamond and a gemstone.

In simple words, it is quite natural for most people to get confused when it comes to diamonds and gemstones. Even though whether to choose a wedding ring with a diamond or a gemstone is still a debatable topic, below are some important points in order to help you out.

  • Colored diamonds are often treated in order to intensify their color quality, and thereby, to make it more attractive. In such cases, there are chances for the color to get fade over time and you will realize this only after many years or decades. So, it is better to keep these possibilities while shopping for colored diamond rings.
  • When it is about wedding rings with diamonds and sapphires, it will be really expensive in most cases. This is because sapphire stones will have to undergo heat treatments.
  • In case of durability and hardness, nothing can beat diamonds ranking at 10 on the Mohs’ scale. However, gemstones like sapphires will also be a good option, since it ranks 9 on the Mohs’ scale. This will reflect on the durability of the stones as well.
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