A Guide to Clarity Enhancement in Extravagant Diamond Rings

A Guide to Clarity Enhancement in Extravagant Diamond Rings

You can purchase such flawless diamond rings at a relatively affordable price by considering clarity enhanced diamonds.

As the name indicates, clarity enhancement of a diamond refers to a treatment that will remove the microscopic inclusions and flaws in a gemstone such as a fracture, hairline, blemishes, cracks, spots, etc. This way, skillful jewelers give a low-grade diamond the appearance of a flawless, extravagant stone. Note that clarity enhanced diamonds are 100% natural, and hence, you do not have to worry about its quality and authenticity.

There are many methods that can be used to enhance the clarity of a diamond without damaging it; laser drilling, special laser drilling, and fracture drilling are the common options. Laser drilling is mainly used in diamonds that have inclusions deep inside the stone. Here, the cavities or flaws in diamonds are cleared by passing high-intensity laser beams to burn tiny holes in the diamond. This will offer a flawless appeal to the gemstones. However, special care must be taken while cleaning or repairing such enhanced gemstones.

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