A Look at Blue Lace Agate

A Look at Blue Lace Agate

Ever heard of blue lace agate? Much less often used in jewelry than clarity diamond, this stone is nevertheless one of the best choices for people in search of a gem with a good vibe. You may want to belay that five-carat diamond ring purchase until you learn more about what blue lace agate has to offer instead.

Blue lace agate is believed to link to the heart chakra, and is apparently capable of opening up the energy channels to let in unconditional love, thereby soothing the person’s pain and confusion. It wards off fiery emotions, and its dominantly blue aesthetic reflects abstracts like calmness and freedom. It works well for people dealing with stage fright and boosts confidence in people who struggle to express themselves adequately.

Blue lace agate is a calming stone, which is able to relieve stress by soothing a person’s taut nerves and an overactive imagination. Think of it as an alternative to looking up at a pale blue sky in superb weather, which lets you relax, as well as regain the positive vibes needed to get through your life. This is the best antidote to stress that most people can enjoy the benefits of.

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