About Tension Set Diamond Rings and Advantages of Selecting it

About Tension Set Diamond Rings and Advantages of Selecting it

Instead, it is mounted in the ring’s opening and held in place using a pressure that is exerted on the center stone from either side of the ring band.

Advantages of Tension Setting

As it does not have prongs for holding the diamond in place, the appeal of the ring can be enhanced as and when needed. It appears as if the diamond is floating in between the tension set ring’s two sides. The metal band can be gold or platinum as per your preference and budget.

Tension set diamond rings can be customized as well for complementing fancy shaped diamonds. The setting makes the gem more pronounced and allows more light to enter for a sparkling effect.

Tension Set Diamond Ring Problems

If you require resizing the tension set ring, for a proper fit on a bigger finger, note that it is not easy to do in tension settings. That is because the tension set rings are made and calibrated to the measurements according to the center stone’s size. Yet again, it is not impossible to resize the same, provided a skilled worker can perform the task and you can bear the cost for that.

Another one of the tension set diamond ring problems is that although the mounting is relatively safe for ensuring its stone won’t fall off, using specialized tools one can remove the center stone.

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