All about a Black Diamond Ring

All about a Black Diamond Ring

A diamond engagement ring will be one of the most precious jewelry pieces that almost every couple treasures for the rest of their life. Hence, you must make sure that the diamond engagement ring that you choose is of supreme quality and unique. Note that colored diamond engagement rings are gaining immense popularity these days, mainly because of their eclectic appeal. Out of the colored diamond ring varieties, a black diamond ring is one of the trending options now.

A black diamond ring will be really rare and their natural varieties are really expensive. Currently, most of the black diamonds available in the market are color enhanced or treated. The treatment of diamonds is dated back to many centuries. Actually, if there was no color enhancement or any other treatment process, you will not be able to recognize the colorful gemstones as you do now.

The main reason for treating a black diamond is to achieve uniformity in terms of color. Besides, you must never give any attention to the clarity of a black diamond because it will be heavily included. In fact, black diamond got its color because of these inclusions. When it comes to the cut quality, black diamonds usually features 16 facets and do not offer that much sparkle.

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