Comparing Natural and Treated Orange Diamonds

Comparing Natural and Treated Orange Diamonds

Natural colored diamonds are very rare and often highly priced. Still, the demand for such fancy colored diamonds has never diminished. This led to the advent of color treated diamonds in the gems and jewelry segment, and the orange colored diamonds are no exception to that.

Note that color-treated diamonds are not fake, as most people usually presume. Some even steer away from lab created diamond rings for sale fearing that the gemstone in the ring might be of inferior quality. Yet in contrast, manmade diamonds are created under controlled laboratory conditions to get the same physical and chemical properties as that of a natural diamond.

Color-treated orange diamonds are created using the HPHT process, which gives the outer shell of the white stone the desired color. Such diamonds are usually flawless and they are cut to precision to get the maximum brilliance. However, the classic round cut in colored diamonds makes the saturation of the stone appear fainter, so such gemstones and even the natural orange diamonds come in fancy cuts like oval, heart, or marquise.

Getting a rare, natural orange diamond might not be that easy, even if you have the budget to afford one. On the other hand, treated orange diamonds are easier to find in the jewelry stores, and offer the same level of splendor and brilliance for a much lower price.

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