Are Diamond Simulant Rings a Good Choice?

Are Diamond Simulant Rings a Good Choice?

It might come as a surprise to you when you hear the fact that diamond simulant wedding rings often have the same characteristics as that of a real diamond ring. However, the chemical structure of most of the diamond simulants is a bit different when compared to a real diamond. So, if you are planning to buy a real diamond for your loved one, it is best not to settle for diamond simulant rings.

Some of the diamond simulants available in the market occur naturally on the crust of the Earth while others are manufactured in laboratories by subjecting the diamond to a number of processes. Some of the most commonly used “natural” diamond simulants are rhinestone, moissanite, and cubic zirconia.

It is crucial to note that artificially created diamond simulants are free from internal flaws. So, if the center stone in your preferred diamond ring is free from internal flaws, then you might be looking at an artificially created diamond simulant.

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