Famous Actors Who Love to Wear Mens Diamond Rings

Famous Actors Who Love to Wear Mens Diamond Rings

It is a widely known and accepted fact that women love to wear diamond engagement rings. This is also prevalent in Hollywood, where celebrities have shown their love for diamond rings. However, the percentage of men who wear diamond engagement rings is significantly less.

Interestingly, men’s diamond engagement rings have started gaining popularity recently due to the legalization of same-sex marriage. In addition to that, a handful of famous male celebrities have started to wear men’s diamond rings as of late. This has, in turn, encouraged many men to wear a diamond engagement ring.

One A-list Hollywood actor who has recently worn a men’s diamond engagement ring is the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ star, Johnny Depp. He actually purchased the ring for his ex-wife Amber Heard, but the ring was too large for her. So, Johnny purchased another ring for her and started wearing the original ring on his finger.

Another star embracing men’s rings is Ryan Reynolds, who used to wear two yellow gold diamond bands when he was married to Scarlett Johansson. Although Ryan is not wearing any diamond rings now, he has stated that he loves to wear diamond engagement rings.

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