Few Interesting Facts about Argyle Diamond Rings

Few Interesting Facts about Argyle Diamond Rings

This mine, which is located in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia, was also the first mine to exploit a volcanic pipe of lamproite successfully.

Interestingly, the Argyle Diamond Mine is not famous for any one of the above-mentioned facts; instead, it is famous for the production of argyle diamonds. In fact, this mine is also considered as a significant source of pink diamonds. In addition to that, large deposits of cognac, blue, and champagne diamonds are also found in this mine.

The unique composition of Argyle diamond rings is because of a volcanic pipe or Argyle pipe, which is made of olivine lamproite. The center stone of diamond argyle rings gets interacted with a number of minerals such as mica, zeolite, clay, and kaolinite during the formation process. In addition to that, most of these diamonds also contain nitrogen impurities. However, the elegant pink color of Argyle diamond rings is due to the structural defects in its crystal lattice.

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