Frequently Asked Questions about Diamond Claddagh Engagement Rings

Frequently Asked Questions about Diamond Claddagh Engagement Rings

If you are wondering about the designs of diamond Claddagh engagement rings, it boasts a crowned heart that is held in place by means of a pair of hands. Still, most diamond ring buyers may have many doubts regarding Claddagh rings and some of the frequently asked questions regarding the same are given below.



What is a Claddagh Ring?

A Claddagh diamond ring features a heart that is beautified by means of an embellished crown and a pair of hearts. The main highlight of such rings is that the entire design is usually shaped from a single precious metal in order to offer a traditional yet captivating appeal.

How Claddagh Ring Designs Originated?

It is a known thing that the designs of diamond Claddagh rings are inspired by Irish traditions. When it comes to the original designer of this amazing diamond ring, it still remains a mystery. However, many studies in the field report that some of the earliest Claddagh rings were created by a Galway goldsmith of the 17th Century, named Bartholomew Fallon.

What Do Claddagh Rings Symbolize?

Each element of the Claddagh diamond ring stands for different and important features. That is, the crown symbolizes loyalty, the heart stands for love, and the pair of hands signify friendship. Hence, some people give a Claddagh ring to their friends as well.

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