How is Brilliance of a Diamond Determined?
The utmost importance of gemologists. In fact, brilliance is the key factor behind the 1-carat solitaire diamond ring price you have to pay to buy it. Below are a few facts on how the brilliance of a diamond is determined.
The Brilliance of a Diamond
The brilliance of a diamond is scaled by considering Weighted Light Return (WLR). This is an analysis that takes into account the tracing and by weighting the beams of light that pass through the interior facets of a diamond.
The research scholars found out that the brilliance of a diamond is closely linked to three parameters: crown angle, pavilion angle, and table size. The combination of these three factors along with their interaction with each other is the best determinant of brilliance. Note that the alteration of any of the above factors affects brilliance greatly in ways unknown.
Another interesting theory was also introduced later, which says that human psychology also affects one’s opinion about the brilliance of a diamond. In other words, the angle of viewing, and the eyesight of the individual plays a big role in forming an opinion. Clearly, the brilliance of a diamond is different for different people.