How to Clean Gold Diamond Rings Using Boiling Water
Cleaning your diamond engagement ring is a lot easier than you think. Other than going to a jeweler who will use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean your ring, there are some at home methods which will leave your ring sparkling and shiny.
In such cases, you can clean your diamond ring at home using a simple cleaning solution. If you have gold in your diamond ring, the ideal method to clean it is by using boiling water, as it does not contain any chemicals. However, be reminded of the fact that cleaning jewelry using boiling water is not a good option if it contains gemstones other than diamonds.
Below are the steps on how to clean gold diamond rings using boiling water.
UPDATED for 2019: Rockher engagement rings are guaranteed to stay brilliant for life with a money back guarantee. Cleaning our rings using this process regularly will ensure that your diamond ring stays beautiful and will look like new for many years to come. Take care of your jewelry!
Take a bowl and put you diamond ring into it. Now, pour boiling water gently on the ring, until the ring is submerged. Take care not to pour the water in haste, as it may burn your hands.
Wait for the water to cool. Once the water comes to room temperature, take the ring out of the bowl and gently scrub off the dirt using a soft-bristled brush or a coarse cloth. Note that if your ring has an oval shaped diamond to make sure you clean all of the angles around the diamond itself as the roundness will mask dirt in harder to see places.
Rinse the ring using cold water and pat dry it. You can also blow dry the ring if you want.
Note that if your engagement ring contains the gemstones glued to the ring, it would be better to look for other mild cleaning solutions and avoid boiling water.