Points That Justify Non-Diamond Engagement Rings

Points That Justify Non-Diamond Engagement Rings

One thing that scares plenty of women is being proposed to with a “cheap” non- diamond ring. Many tend to shoot the guy down right away, but there are a special few to whom the gesture itself would always matter more than a rock. If you have found yourself a girl like that, good for you. In the meantime, the two of you need to prepare to have a few conversations in favor of that elegant yet diamond-less ring that signifies your engagement, because people can be judgmental.

  • A non-diamond ring is a financially sound choice: You have sold neither your car nor your kidney, and can still afford to pay rent every month for your flat, which incidentally your sweetheart just moved into.
  • The break from convention is ‘liberating’: Ok, so maybe you do feel this way. The point here is that you chose your own path as a couple, and are happy with the first major decision you made together.
  • This is more ethical: At no time has this topic been more touchy than it is now – skipping over diamonds means you also did not get swindled into buying a fake origin conflict diamond. Pointing fingers this way is mean, so save that card for last and use it only defensively.
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