Pros and Cons of Selecting Emerald for an Engagement Ring

Pros and Cons of Selecting Emerald for an Engagement Ring

Oftentimes, a man will buy an engagement ring without a diamond centerpiece, but one that features a non-traditional gemstone or the birthstone of his future wife in its stead. This can be for many reasons, including cost considerations, or the desire for a more unique engagement ring. You can choose a centerpiece gem and accentuate it with small diamonds as well.


However, if you do not want a diamond at all in the ring setting, then many alternative gems can be chosen from. Emerald, for one, is considered an extremely precious gem, almost as precious as a diamond. With a rating of 7.8 to 8.0 on the Mohs scale and an illuminating green color, it is no wonder this stone is in high demand.

Are you wondering how emeralds work as engagement ring gemstones? As opposed to some of the other gemstone options, emeralds lend themselves better to the purpose. However, an emerald necessitates a special treatment, which can be rather inconvenient. It has to be “oiled” periodically in order to maintain its luster. The oiling process just about always occurs in a vacuum chamber, often followed by a number of care techniques like steam cleaning as well as ultrasonic treatment. The result is emerald with a wonderful shine. Over time, treatments damage its structural integrity, and it can crack and show blemishes.

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