Pros and Cons of Thin Diamond Band Engagement Rings

Pros and Cons of Thin Diamond Band Engagement Rings

When it comes to choosing the thickness of band, people usually go for thin band diamond engagement rings, so that their sparkling center diamond is well highlighted. However, there are many pros as well as cons for thin diamond band engagement rings and some of them are listed below.

Advantages of Choosing Thin Diamond Band Engagement Rings

  • Affordable mountings as the metal settings are comparatively low here
  • Perfect for slim fingers because of their delicate and fine silhouette
  • Makes smaller diamond look bigger
  • Comfortable to put on fingers
  • Lightweight as less metal is used here

Disadvantages of Thin Diamond Engagement Rings

  • This type of diamond rings is not suitable for people with an active lifestyle because of its delicate structure
  • Not ideal to mount bigger diamonds
  • Regular re-polishing or cleaning may weaken the ring
  • Re-sizing this kind of rings will be challenging
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