Quality of Princess Cut Diamond Wedding Rings

Like other diamonds, the quality of princess cut wedding rings is also determined using the 4 C’s – cut, clarity, color, and carat. This decides the quality and cost of your princess cut diamond ring.

Cut Grade

A cut grade is really crucial for all the diamonds, especially the princess cut diamonds because of their unique cuts and shapes. This is the factor, which decides the sparkle of your diamond. Choose good or very good grade for the best cuts and sparkle for princess cut diamond rings.

Color Grade

Just like all the diamonds, the best option for princess cut diamond wedding rings is colorless. To choose the best princess cut diamond ring, go for D, E, or F range, which is colorless. You can also choose G, H, or I grade for nearly colorless and a comparatively less expensive option.


In princess cut diamond rings, inclusions are very important because the chances of chipping are more if there is any inclusion in the corners. This is because of its unique cuts. The best grade for princess cut diamonds is VS2 and SI1, which are regarded as eye-clean.

Carat Weight

In princess cut diamonds, the measurement will differ slightly from the carat weight. Therefore, in this case, it is important to choose a diamond with right length X width ratio within your desired carat range.

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