The Average Price of Diamond Engagement Ring
Most prospective buyers usually do a study on the average price of a diamond engagement ring, and the rules of thumb, such as spending at least three months’ salary on the ring, buying only luxurious rings, etc. These are just ways for major diamond selling companies to rope in customers, and little else.
According to a study, the average price of a diamond engagement ring in 2011 was approximately $5000, and in 2016, it rose to around $6500. In essence, the average diamond engagement ring cost is still increasing with every passing year. A regular Joe would have to spend all of his savings to attain a diamond matching all their preferences.
There is no need to follow all these criteria to buy a diamond for your fiancée; just choose something unique, thoughtful, affordable, and fit. At the end of the day, it is all about finding the right gemstone for the right person.