The Meaning of Wearing Diamond Rings on Different Fingers
Some people may make a few inferences about your relationship status, personality, and other factors based on factors such as history, cultural beliefs, and the finger that you choose to wear your diamond wedding ring.
For instance, men used to wear two diamonds wedding rings on their left pinky finger to indicate that they were married. Several historians firmly believe that the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt followed this tradition by wearing a signet and wedding ring on the left pinky finger of his hand.
In several cultures, men and women reserve the ring finger of their left hand for engagement and wedding rings. For instance, married individuals from western countries used to wear a wedding ring on their left ring finger. This tradition originated in ancient Rome where people believed that the ring finger of left hand contained a vein that is connected right to the heart. Some people also wear a diamond ring on their left-hand finger to show others that they are engaged to another person, which is another tradition started by ancient Romans.