Things to Consider While Choosing Vintage Diamond Wedding Rings

However, there are some points that you must consider while choosing vintage diamond wedding rings and some of them are listed below.

Know the Type

It is crucial to know the age of the ring in order to understand the type; a diamond ring that is 100 years older or more is considered as an antique ring and the one that is in between the age of 20 to 100 years is usually termed as vintage. Another type is the estate rings, which are really the second-hand ones.



Upgrade the Band

Even though most vintage diamond rings come with a gold or silver band,  platinum is the ideal metal to team with diamonds. Other than the looks, this precious metal is also durable and harder when compared to other metals. Additionally, platinum will create a glaze over time that is perfect for antique or vintage rings.


Most of the rings before 1930 have used color diamonds or other gemstones. The beautiful color combination of these colored stones will give a stunning contrast and clarity to the main diamond. Furthermore, most vintage rings use colored gemstone at the center and diamond accents will be given around it.

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