Things to Know about Oval Diamonds

Things to Know about Oval Diamonds

Following are some of the benefits of choosing one, as well as a few tips on how to go about it.




They are Larger than Most People Expect
Diamond size is usually associated with how big the top of the diamond looks. In an oval diamond, the top surface looks larger than that in a round diamond, owing to the fact that the former has a larger surface area, by as much as 10%.

They Make the Fingers Look Longer

Being elongated, oval diamonds create the illusion of longer fingers. Most people like this effect.

Length to Width Ratio is Crucial

The higher the length to width ratio, the more elongated a diamond will look. The most preferred ratio for oval diamonds is 1.5, although it is all up to what the customer prefers.

They are Very Sparkly

Being cut in the same manner as a round diamond, the oval diamond closely trails it in the brilliance department. This makes it perfect for people who want both brilliance and uniqueness.

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