Things to Know before Buying a VVS1 Diamond Engagement Ring

Things to Know before Buying a VVS1 Diamond Engagement Ring

The clarity grade of some of the diamonds available in the market will be VVS.

VVS clarity of diamonds can be divided into VVS1 (Very Very Small Inclusions 1) and VVS2 (Very Very Small Inclusions 2). The VVS1 diamond clarity grade is the highest clarity grade among these two. The inclusions in diamonds that come with VVS1 clarity grade will not be visible to the naked eye, and only trained professionals with proper tools will be able to spot the blemishes in a VVS1 diamond engagement ring.

VVS2 diamonds, on the other hand, will have a nit more readily visible flaws in it, and sometimes, they might be visible to the naked eye, especially if they are near the surface of the stone. So, customers who are looking for a diamond ring with high clarity should settle for VVS1 diamond engagement rings.

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