Tips for Cleaning your Diamond Rings

Tips for Cleaning your Diamond Rings

In fact, “how can I clean my diamond ring” is a constantly trending search on Google.



How Often Should you Clean the Ring

This depends on how frequently the ring is worn, and other factors like dirt buildup. A diamond ring can take a lot of wear, which means aggressive cleaning is usually not an issue. It may actually be the best thing for a ring you wear everywhere.

  • Keep clear liquids away from fragile rings, which you do not wear a lot. These often require nothing more than a gentle wipe using a damp toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Do not leave your diamond-studded rings on the dresser after returning home. Dropping it hard on the surface can cause cracks in the stone, which is irreversible.
  • Go only to a trusted jeweler when you need your ring repaired or cleaned. These professionals know what exactly the piece can endure, and to keep it away from the rest.
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