Tips to Take Care of your Diamond Ring

Tips to Take Care of your Diamond Ring

Below are some tips to take better care of your beautiful gem.




Ensure your Diamond Ring

Even though your diamond ring holds many sentimental values, and you don't want it to be replaced, you have to be prepared for the worst. If your ring got stolen or if you lost it, at least you will be covered if you have insurance.

Before insuring, do some research, as there are some insurance companies that offer more coverage than others.

Do not Let it Get Too Dirty

Do not let your diamond ring get too dirty. There are many home-made remedies for cleaning diamonds. Note that the solutions that are safe for diamonds may not be good for other gems and metals, and vice versa. So, make sure that you choose the right cleaning solution.

To clean your diamonds, you can use a simple solution of a liquid dishwasher and some warm water. Let your diamond ring soak in this, and clean it later using a soft toothbrush and a dry cloth.

Professional Touch

Even though there are many home-made cleaning remedies for your diamond ring, it will be better to give them for professional cleaning, at least twice a year.

When you clean your rings regularly, the diamonds tend to detach from their prong settings, because of your lack of professional skills. So it is better to take good care rather than losing your diamonds from their prongs because of your carelessness.


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