Two Diamond Engagement Ring Trends of 2018

Two Diamond Engagement Ring Trends of 2018

This is because there are plenty of options available to customers when they are looking for a diamond engagement ring. So, if you wish to make the right buying decision, then you might probably need to learn about the new engagement ring trends in the market.



Engagement rings that come with most modern styles and designs are usually loved by brides, which means that such rings will make your ladylove say ‘Yes’ for sure. Below are two trends that are doing rounds in the gems and jewelry market as of now.

Colorful Gemstones: Several experts in the field of the diamond industry claim that engagement rings with colored gemstones are the most loved choice of most women these days. What’s more, the popularity of colored engagement rings is expected to increase in the coming years.

Pear Cut Diamonds: Even though cushion and round cut diamonds are the most popular choice of customers, there has been a considerable increase in the demand of pear cut diamonds in recent times. This is because pear cut diamonds have the ability to bring special attention to the fingers of the wearer.

So, if you are planning to follow the latest trend in the market, then it is best to get your bride a colored engagement ring with cushion cut diamonds.

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