Two Diamond Rings That Once Took Hollywood Fraternity by Storm

Two Diamond Rings That Once Took Hollywood Fraternity by Storm

These competitive aspects are somewhat reflected in the diamond rings, which celebrities get from someone special in life. Below are two examples.

Grace Kelley’s Emerald Cut Diamond Ring

Monaco’s Prince Rainer proposed Grace Kelley way back in the 1950s with a modest diamond ring. However, when Rainer happened to notice that many actors of her talent were sporting bigger rings, he surprised Kelley with an emerald cut diamond. Emerald cut diamond ring designs have multiple facets, that adds to the diamond, and makes a statement on the jewelry piece. It is no wonder why a person of Rainer’s ilk proposed the Hollywood actress with the emerald diamond ring.

Elizabeth Taylor’s Tryst with Magnificent Jewelry

As Liz Taylor started new relationships with men, she also collected jewelry. She was married 8 times. When Richard Burton proposed to her, he actually gave her a big, thirty-three-carat diamond ring. No wonder, the gorgeous and unique stone was later named after her and holds a special place among celebrity diamond rings even today.

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