Two Trendy Alternatives for a Diamond Engagement Ring

Two Trendy Alternatives for a Diamond Engagement Ring

If you are looking for an engagement ring, you have the options to choose the following gemstones for more color spectrum.





White sapphire can be pricey, but even more fancied is the blue sapphire. That is the most popular color of the gem, but it also comes in all colors of a rainbow. If you are looking for an engagement ring with a larger gemstone at the center, sapphire can be the durable option. It is one of the hardest minerals as per Mohs’ Scale of Mineral Hardness and one that will not scratch easily.


Pearl is a beautiful gemstone, whether it is set in a luxurious vintage setting or a chic modern ring. Still, note that the gem only has a rating of 2.5 to 4.5 on Mohs’ Scale of Mineral Hardness, so it is prone to scratches and that can lose its luster. Thus, it is best to choose a pearl engagement ring only if you are planning to wear it occasionally; better yet, select an inlay pearl ring mounted in a scratch-resistant metal band.

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