What are Diamond Inclusions?
These diamond inclusions are formed due to the exposure of the diamond to extreme heat and pressure conditions during its formation process. The good news is that these flaws or inclusions do not affect the quality of the center stone in a diamond wedding ring.
The inclusions in diamonds can take a number of forms and some of them will not be visible to the naked eye. However, the inclusions, which are visible to the naked eye looks like small cracks, lines, clouds, dark spots, or knots. All these inclusions are inside the stone and they are perfectly normal. In fact, the inclusions or flaws in diamonds differ from stone to stone.
If you wish to ensure that the flaws or inclusions in your diamond wedding ring are not visible to the naked eye, then it is best to look for a gemstone with high clarity grade. Removing the dirt and dust build-up from your diamond ring by regularly cleaning it will permit the entry of more light to the diamond, which in turn makes the internal flaws in the stoneless visible.