Why Customers Prefer Not to Buy Conflict Diamond Rings

Why Customers Prefer Not to Buy Conflict Diamond Rings

Some people may not be aware that some of the naturally mined diamonds that are discovered in African countries are used for buying arms.


The term conflict diamonds are used to describe naturally occurring diamonds that are found in areas controlled by forces that are not internationally recognized and follow illegal mining policies. As a result, the profits obtained by selling these stones are used to fund wars and other rebellions against government organizations. This is the major reasons why several customers are a little bit hesitant to buy conflict diamond rings.

On the other hand, diamonds that are mined from legitimate and internationallyrecognized diamond mines are called as conflict-free diamonds. These diamonds are usually subjected to a few clarity and color enhanced processes in order to improve their appeal and quality. The diamonds are later polished and cut before they are used for making jewelry pieces. The engagement rings that are made from such diamonds are usually known as conflict free diamond engagement rings. This means that most of the diamond rings available in reputed jewelry shops and online stores are conflict-free.

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