
Out commitment to


Gold & Platinum

RockHer only uses recycled gold and platinum. Why? Metal mining can often be destructive to the environment and harmful to the communities around the mines.

For example, some gold mines use mercury and cyanide to extract the gold, which may contaminate the surrounding environment. We have decided to make sure that we are not supporting these practices by not buying any newly-mined precious metals.

Tracing precious metals back to the source to confirm that they have been mined responsibly is challenging since gold must be purified and refined before it can be made into jewelry. Someday, we hope to offer jewelry made with fair-trade precious metals directly from mines that can document safe and environmentally sensitive mining and labor practices.

Since not enough of this kind of precious metal is available today, we have decided to work only with recycled precious metals instead. We are also supporting efforts to create systems to make it possible for companies like us to buy fair trade gold and offer it to our customers who want to support mining communities around the world. We have signed The Golden Rules pledge and encourage our jewelry colleagues to join us in using recycled precious metals.


We work with a precious metal refiner who can document that all our precious metals come from 100% post-consumer sources. Because our recycled gold, platinum, and palladium are refined back into pure elements, they are of the highest quality and indistinguishable from pure mined precious metals. If you have sold jewelry you no longer wear, you have helped to contribute to the United States supply of recycled gold!

Out commitment to


Gold & Platinum

RockHer only uses recycled gold and platinum. Why? Metal mining can often be destructive to the environment and harmful to the communities around the mines.

For example, some gold mines use mercury and cyanide to extract the gold, which may contaminate the surrounding environment. We have decided to make sure that we are not supporting these practices by not buying any newly-mined precious metals.

Our factory exceeds the strict California standards for worker safety and environmental protection. We also insure that all the metal dust and shavings created as we craft our jewelry is recycled. Because all of our jewelry is manufactured in the United States, we can guarantee that both worker health and safety and the environment are protected.